Bar-J Wrangler Fiddler Night
Please sign-up with Jacie to attend the Bar-J Wrangler night in September. ( Please, do not make individual reservations) The wranglers would like us to make only one reservation for our whole group instead of booking tickets in advance individually since there are so many of us going.
You can sign up by emailing us the number of people who will be attending the show to us at ( or by signing up on the reservation sheet in Jacie's studio. We will book our group numbers the end of June so make sure to sign up before your last lesson of next month.
You can book your RV spots at Mountain River Ranch Campground online now. It sounds like the cabins will fill up pretty quickly, so if you are looking for a cabin it would be a great idea to book yours right away.
Summer activity info/dates were emailed earlier this week. A recap page will be sent out with all Summer information the first week of June. Please fill out the form and bring it back to your second June lesson.
Update: We had over 100 fiddlers and family members attend the bar-j and the show was amazing!